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Bishop Rissort Justin, See importance of prayer is exemplified in Jesus our perfect model. He woke up early every morning to pray to the Father in heaven. This Ministry encourages all members in our church to pray at all times and in all circumstances for the needs of the church, fellow members, friends, family, neighborhood, city, nations, and throughout the world. The prayer is the way God moves in the lives of people. Ephesians 6:18

Prison Ministry

“I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.”—Matthew 25:36

We have an abundance of opportunities to plant, water, and reap souls for the kingdom of God as we reach out to those in prisons and jails who are lost and hurting. 

Sunday school


Our Sunday School classes provide Bible lessons and learning activities that are both fun and spirtually rich. Each class is led by skilled teachers who are committed to communicating the truth of God's Word clearly and applicationally so that they may enter the world for sake of the gospel. Each one strives to live a life of devotion to Christ so that he or she can set an example that is consistent with the Godly standards taught.Our ultimate goal is to come alongside parents in fulfilling the command "to tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done . . . that the generation to come might know them. " (Psalm 78:4, 6).



Our churches are passionate about our future generation and we are committed to teach and train our youth to be faithful and active in their walk with Christ. The youth are passionate about Jesus and it shows in their lifestyle.



To inspire, encourage, train, and direct those whom God has called into the music ministry with a spirit of service, excellence, sensitivity, purity, humility and strength. 2 Chronicles 5:13–14

Community service


provide a Christian witness through the discovery of community and human needs. This program provides training of volunteers and the implementation of Christian social ministries. Emphasis is given to reaching spiritually lost people.

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Mount Zion Voice Of Deliverance Church Inc, we believe that teamwork is essential to our success. We recognize and respect the way God has called people to function—uniquely and in unity—within the church body. Below is a list of the different ministries at our church.

© 2023 by Mount Zion Voice Of Deliverance Church INC.

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